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Începeți ziua cu marea turcoaz și într-o natură liniștită și verde a Miracolului!

As Miracle Resort Hotel;

  • While institutionalizing, we shall establish our quality management system in compliance with the international standards and ensure that it is implemented, together with our staff members;
  • We shall take into account any proposal, request and complaint, received from our guests, staff members or other parties, and we shall communicate it to all of our staff members and, accordingly, improve our processes as part of our financial, operational and corporate requirements in accordance with the requirements as prescribed by the primary and secondary regulations. We shall at first ensure staff satisfaction for the purpose of ensuring guest satisfaction.
  • We shall offer food which involves all food stuffs for the healthy nutrition of our guests in a balanced and sufficient quantity and which is clean in physical, chemical and microbiological terms.
  • During the course of the phases of procurement of raw materials, storage, preparation and serving of the food at our business, we shall apply food safety and hygiene standards with full awareness together with all of the staff members serving at such phases.
  • We, as a business, shall improve the hygiene standards continuously and ensure that such improvement is used as a system.
  • We shall provide safe and healthy working conditions for the purpose of preventing occupational injuries and impairment of health.
  • In line with our "zero occupational accident" and "zero occupational illness" target, for the purpose of ensuring the health of and the safety conditions for each of our staff members, serving at any level, as well as our stakeholders, we shall determine any hazard that might occur, any unsafe condition and action that might give rise to any occupational accident and occupational illness, as well as any potential accident risk in advance together with the detailed risk assessments and root cause analysis thereto, and we shall take the actions and measures as required and carry out the activities to eliminate and reduce any such hazard, unsafe condition, action and risk.
  • We shall train our staff members in the field of occupational health and safety and enable them to consult and participate, and we ensure that the rules imposed with respect to occupational health and safety are observed and complied with also by our stakeholders, while ensuring and enhancing the awareness with respect to occupational health and safety.
  • We shall work in compliance with the national and regional policies and laws and make new investments and remain committed to becoming the leader at the location where we are situated.
  • We shall invest in infrastructure and equipment by making use of the advancing and the state-of-the-art technology, and, accordingly, we shall develop our systems so as to go beyond the expectations of the guests, and we shall make use of our experience, knowledge and skills constructively at all times.
  • For the purpose of ensuring the commitment of all of our staff members to the ethical principles, we shall care about their training and enable knowledge and information sharing.
  • We shall continue our operations with maximum profitability and in alignment and by being in touch with the national and international tour operators and our suppliers by providing them with equal opportunities.
  • We shall create our open and transparent governance as based on our principles, namely professionalism, integrity, diligence, reliability.

Ahmet Raif İllez
General Manager

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